In the next few months, I will have the opportunity to present at both bpmNEXT and Red Hat Summit.

Next week (April 15 - 17), bpmNEXT is taking place again in Santa Barbara, where lots of vendors in the BPM space (or whatever you prefer calling it nowadays - business automation, workflow, orchestration) are coming to showcase and discuss some of their latest achievements. Check out the conference agenda for the full schedule. I will be presenting on Wednesday on:
Automating Human-Centric Processes with Machine Learning
Kris Verlaenen, Red Hat
Many business processes involve human actors to perform some of the steps that are required to achieve the business goal. In this context, human actors are typically expensive, can cause unwanted delay or become a bottleneck. Automating some of these tasks can have a tremendous return on investment, and Machine Learning brings the missing bits to seamlessly automate work initially assigned to humans as soon as there is enough confidence in the expected outputs. By integrating Machine Learning into our Red Hat Business Automation portfolio, customers can gradually start using Machine Learning to assist or gradually even replace the human actor(s) in a very simple manner, without even having to make any changes to the process definitions in their organisation.Last year, the recordings were available almost immediately, so that should give everyone an opportunity to take advantage of the great presentations that are typically shown there. I will also blog my impressions during the event as last years.
I will also attend Red Hat Summit this year, which is taking place in Boston on May 7-9. I have a minitheater session where I will be talking about all the work we have been doing for our next generation architecture for cloud-native business automation. We got a lot of exciting things we've been working on, so I'm really excited we'll be able to share this information with everyone soon.
Automating business operations in a hybrid cloud world
Kris Verlaenen, Red Hat
Business automation helps you automate the many processes and decisions in your applications. In the context of a hybrid cloud, we have been working on our next generation architecture to support process automation and decision management in a true cloud-native manner, taking full advantage of the cloud infrastructure and many of the recent technical advances in that context. We will demonstrate how business automation simplifies building your own domain-specific applications, leveraging extremely small and efficient execution yet still taking advantage of a lot of the capabilities business automation could offer you as well (from managing human interaction, auditing to monitoring and admin operations).If you are attending, feel free to reach out if you want to meet up! But we'll share the same information with the wider community as well of course, so stay tuned !
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