Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Webinar (Dec 17): Building responsive and flexible applications with BPM

Tomorrow I'll be doing a live webinar on some of the latest features related to building adaptie and flexible processes, case management and process-driven applications. A large part will be a live demo showing an example is this area from authoring to execution. It's not too late to register, but it will also be recorded so if you register you can watch later as well !

Red Hat JBoss webinar

Building responsive and flexible applications with BPM

Developers are facing ever increasing demands for new and updated business applications.  Development approaches like Agile and DevOps can help, but they're even more powerful when combined with a new generation of low code development platforms.

Join this webinar to hear from Red Hat engineering leaders how to incorporate business process and rules technology into the software development life cycle to reduce development time and improve application flexibility.

We will demonstrate the new release of Red Hat® JBoss® BPM Suite, and show you how to:
  • Quickly create and test a new business process management (BPM) application.
  • Utilize the latest features for creating ad-hoc and case management style applications.
  • Deploy new applications to the cloud with the new realtime decision service for OpenShift.
Prakash Aradhya, product management director, Red Hat
Kris Verlaenen, principal software engineer, Red Hat
Join the live event:
Time zone converter
  • Thursday, December 17, 2015 | 11 a.m. ET | 8 a.m. PT
Register Now


  1. To watch the recording, you can still register and review the session.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Krish,

    I want to ask something off this topic. I am working on simulating jbpm project explorer in another application.
    So far I am able to get a list of OU,REPOS,Projects useing rest queries but I have no idea how to fetch the list of business process inside a particular Project. Could you please help me to understand how KIE-WB is fetching this information and showing. I have been trying looking at local git repo I can find all bpmn files in jar files under repository/kie/.. directory but I guess this not the place to query the list of business process.
    At the same time under 'Administrator' tab kie-wb shows the project structure as well. So what is the way to query the information I need.
