Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book: jBPM5 Developer Guide

Mauricio and Esteban have been working hard on their latest book on jBPM and today, their jBPM5 Developer Guide has been released !

I believe Mauricio and Esteban have done a good job in including  a lot of valuable information for people with different backgrounds.  They start with an introduction to BPM in general, give an overview of how to model processes using the BPMN 2.0 standard, show how to do all of this with jBPM and then go even further by showing more complex examples that for example include business rule integration, etc.

You can get both as a eBook or printed (which includes a free eBook as well) from Packt Publishing here.

I'm even able to offer you some discount codes, 20% off for the printed version and 25% off for the eBook.  I think that's a very nice gesture of Packt Publishing, showing once more they try to support open-source with benefits like this.  Note that they have a limited validity for use till 1st Feb, 2013.

Here are the discount codes:

Print books - ProjectjBPM_20%offPrintbook
eBooks - ProjectjBPM_25%offeBook

In order to apply the codes, you will need to:
- Visit the Packt website and log in to your account (non-registered users will be required to create an account first)
- Open the book-page and add the book to cart
- On the cart check-out page, enter code in the Enter promotional code box and then Update cart

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

JBug London - December 12

Mauricio and Esteban are doing a presentation on jBPM and the book they wrote about it on a London JBug in December 12!

While the first part will mostly focus on the core BPM features, the second part will also show some of the more advanced integration with business rules and complex event processing.

So if you're in London on December 12th, and looking for an interesting presentation or talk afterwards about jBPM, or just looking for a place to eat some pizza and drink some beer ;), register now !

There's even a chance to win a copy of the new book already !

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

jBPM 5.4 released !

We are proud to announce the release of jBPM 5.4.0.Final.  

The bits were ready more than a week ago already (and looking at the download statistics quite a few of you already found them ;)), but a busy travel schedule made it difficult to complete the work and announce everything.  But here it is !


The jBPM installer is probably the best way to get started.  Download the full installer and follow the documentation here to walk through some of the most important components.

So what's new?

We've added simulation capabilities to the web-based process designer, that allows you to simulate how a process might behave at runtime.  This includes the addition of various simulation-related properties (like resources and duration-related attributes for tasks, and probabilities for diverging gateways etc.).  Our implementation is based on the specification created by the BPSWG (Business Process Simulation Working Group).

Based on these properties, you can run a number of instances of your process and:
  • Use the path finder to look at all identified paths
  • Look at the generated charts containing information about minimal, maximum and average completion times, etc. using (horizontal and vertical barcharts, pie charts or tables.
  • Check the timeline to get an overview of all the recorded events
Maciej did a blog recently on the ideas and concepts behind it, and Tihomir did a blog, including a 12-minute video, that shows simulation in action.

Local task service

When human actors participate in a business process (also known as human workflow), a task service is used to manage the life cycle of the tasks (claiming, completing, task lists, etc.).  While we supported the use of a centralized task service (using HornetQ for remoting), we now also support a local version that runs as a simple Java component next to the engine and all the work it does is synchronous and nicely integrated with the transaction of the process engine.

org.jbpm.task.service.TaskService taskService = 
    new org.jbpm.task.service.TaskService(
        emf, SystemEventListenerFactory.getSystemEventListener());
LocalTaskService localTaskService = new LocalTaskService(taskService);
LocalHTWorkItemHandler humanTaskHandler = new LocalHTWorkItemHandler(
    localTaskService, ksession, OnErrorAction.RETHROW);
    "Human Task", humanTaskHandler);


We have improved our Spring support, where you can use a Spring configuration file to configure your environment and inject a ksession and/or task service into your application code.  For transactions, it integrates with the Spring transaction manager, supporting both JTA and RESOURCE_LOCAL with shared entity manager factory (emf) or shared entity manager (em).


jBPM runtime persistence can now also use JPA2 for persistence.  That means it is completely independent of the underlying persistence provider (we use Hibernate by default but other persistence providers should be possible as well).  You can use Hibernate4 with JPA2 for even better performance.  For all the details on how to do this, here's a link to a persistence configuration file for both JPA1 and JPA2.

Some of the other features
  • Improvements on some of the BPMN 2.0 constructs in the core engine, related to error events, terminating end events in sub processes,
  • Introduction of a business calendar related to timers etc.
  • The ability to start a process by name, which will automatically start the latest version of that process.
  • We created separate wars for EE6 (AS7) and EE5 (AS5) to avoid a lot of manual dependency management.  JBoss AS 7.1.1 is now the new default application server in the installer.
  • Improved support for invoking web services from inside your processes.
  • A database-backed solution for managing which users are part of which group (UserGroupCallback).
  • When configuring handlers for domain-specific services, the ksession is automatically injected as an optional constructor parameter in the handler configuration file.
The details on all fixed issues and new features can be found in detail in JIRA.
jBPM 5.4.0.Final has been released in sync with the latest Drools 5.5.0.Final release.

If you have any questions / issues, let us know:
The jBPM team

Friday, November 16, 2012

JBUGs Sydney & Melbourne 19th & 20th November 2012

I'm visiting Australia next week, and I'll be giving two JBUG presentations:
  • in Sydney on Monday November 19th
  • in Melbourne on Tuesday November 20th
I'll give a quick jBPM overview and focus on some of the new features that we're developing and some of the changes you'll see in the near future.

Important: Followed by pizza and drinks after each session ! :)

So if you're in the vicinity, feel free to join us.  Registration is necessary.

Hope to see you there !

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Integration and BPM week, Oct. 15-18

Join us for Red Hat Integration and BPM Week virtual event on October 15-18, 2012.

There you will learn about Red Hat's integration and BPM road map, find out how recent acquisitions will be integrated into the portfolio, and gain practical knowledge from the engineering leaders that are driving the most popular integration, messaging and rules, and BPM technologies and standards.

One registration grants access to all 17 information-packed webinar sessions!

Sessions include:
  • Fuse IDE makes integration easy – James Strachan (formerly FuseSource)
  • Getting Started with Apache Camel – Claus Ibsen (formerly FuseSource)
  • Enterprise integration at scale – Keith Babo
  • Business rules and event modeling made easy – Edson Tirelli
  • Simplify the complexity of your business processes – Kris Verlaenen
  • ActiveMQ in the cloud – Dejan Bosanac
  • Fuse Fabric and Fuse Management Console – Stan Lewis (formerly FuseSource)
The virtual event is FREE. Sessions will be delivered live, and will also be available on-demand afterwards. One registration gets you access to everything!

For more information on the agenda and sessions, please go to: www.redhat.com/promo/jboss_integration_week

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

IntelliFest conference with Drools & jBPM bootcamp

In 4 weeks, the IntelliFest 2012 conference will take place in San Diego (starting Monday October 22nd).  IntelliFest is the successor of RulesFest and as always brings a mix of presentations, both for managers and developers, and bootcamps to get the practical experience.  

As part of that, there will also be a FREE Drools & jBPM bootcamp and a healthcare day.  Tihomir will take care of the jBPM presentations there, giving an overview of jBPM, BPMN2 and human tasks.

Program Overview:
Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (Free)
Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM session (Free)
Wed - Fri - General IntelliFest Sessions

There are limited spaces, so register soon here.

Monday - Healthcare focus for Rules, Workflow, Ontologies and Events (free)

0830-0920 Captain Emory Fry, MD
Socratic Grid : Open Source Distributed Decision Support for Healthcare

0930-1020  Dr Robert Greenes, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Key Note : Embedding Decision Support in Clinical Systems

1030-1120 Dr Aziz Boxwala, Division of Biomedical Informatics, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Consortium

1130-1200 Dr Seong Ki Mun, President and CEO of OSEHRA
Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent 

1200:1300 Lunch

1300-1350  Dr Davide Sottara, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University
Knowledge Representation Standards For Building Executable Clinical Processes Models

1400-1450 David Shields, Health ITS, University of Utah
OpenCDS: a Clinical Decision Support Infrastructure Based on Drools

1500-1520 Harold Solbring, Division of Biomedical Informatics, Mayo Clinic
Semantic Wiki

1530-1655 Conor Dowling, Caregraf
Semantic Terminology Services

1600-1620 Dr Xiao Hu, Department of Neurosurgery, University of California
Clinical Decision Support Driven Alarms

Panel Discussion - Collaboration Opportunities

Tuesday - General Drools&jBPM Workshop (free)


8.00 AM: Breakfast Social – pre-laptop setup, and QA time with solution Architects. 
-Key will be provided to setup your laptop, so you can view and run the examples used during the talks.
9.00 BRMS Product Overview (Prakash Aradhya 15min) 
How we turn the Drools and jBPM communtiy parts into a world class product. Supporting and harvesting all the innovation done in the open community, Red Hat delivers reliable, dependable and integrated solutions for enterprise customers.
9.15 Introduction to Drools Expert (Mark Proctor 45min) 
Drools Expert covers the business rule engine. A gentle, example driven, dive into the Drools technical rule language and engine features.
10.10 Introduction to Drools Fusion (Edson Tirelli 45min) 
Learn how Drools does CEP differently. Our unified approach extends Drools Expert with a series of language and sub-engine extensions to provide temporal reasoning and event correlation.
11.05 Introduction to jBPM and BPMN2 (Tihomir Surdilovic 45min) 
jBPM is a BPM engine designed for flexible processes, implementing and extending the BPMN2 spec. Built form the ground up to be part of a unified strategy for business automation and decision management. jBPM fully integrates with Drools Expert and Fusion.
11.45 Decision Modelling with Graphical Editors (Edson Tirelli 30min) 
Drools Expert provides sophisticated web based tooling, around decision tables, guided editors and templates. Our decision modelling approach draws from the very best research found at Dr Jan Vanthienien school of Decision Modelling.
12.30 Working Lunch – Experience Drools and jBPM – Hands on labs (Optional) (1hour)
13.30 Human Tasks up Close and Personal (Tihomir Surdilovic 40min) 
Human tasks are a central component of BPM. This example driven talk will build an example live, demonstrating what jBPM’s Human Task technology can do for you.
14.20 Building Games with Drools – Pong, Snake and Wumpus (Mark Proctor 40min) 
Time for some hard play, learn how to build classic computer games with Drools. These also provide interesting exercises in BA requirements gathering.
15.10 Drools Planner a Quick Overview (Geoffrey De Smet 40min) 
Whether it’s employee rostering, task scheduling, vehicle routing, bin packing or another planning problem: all organizations try to optimize their limited resources under constraints. Drools Planner optimizes business resources for normal Java programmers.
15.50 Drools Chance for Imperfect Reasoning (Davide Sottara 40min) 
Sometimes data quality is not perfect, so facts may not be known with precision and certainty. Likewise, crisp constraints such as hard thresholds might not be able to capture the complexity of a business policy. Drools Chance allows to apply gradual and/or probabilistic constraints to uncertain or vague data.
16.40 UberFire – Drools&jBPM Workbench framework (Mark Proctor 30min) 
UberFire is a new project that forms the foundation of our 6.0 web tooling. It’s standalone framework that provides a sophisticated workbench framework for the web; where everything is a plugin. Come learn about the Uberfire, and how you can use the workbench to build your own web applications.
17.10 Drools&jBPM 6.0 and Beyond (Optional : open as long as people remain) 
An open presentation and discussion about the design ideas, principles and goals that are driving the development of Drools & jBPM version 6.0. This will be an optional and informal session where attendees will have the opportunity to learn about what is coming, contribute ideas and provide feedback that will be taken in consideration by the development team.
17.10 Hands on Lab 
Run at the same time as "Drools&jBPM and Beyond" and Beyond. Solution Architects are on hand to help you with your coding problems, and running examples.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Red Hat Acquires BPM Technology from Polymita

Yesterday it was announced that Red Hat acquires BPM technology from Polymita.
The deal accelerates Red Hat’s entry into the BPM software segment and augments its JBoss Enterprise Middleware integration software offerings.

“The ability to change rapidly is an absolute necessity for businesses in today’s enterprise environment. Organizations that do not empower their business users to quickly and effectively modify automated business processes forfeit the ability to remain agile, competitive and relevant,” said Craig Muzilla, vice president and general manager of middleware at Red Hat. “Polymita’s technology enhances Red Hat’s JBoss Enterprise Middleware portfolio and specifically complements JBoss Enterprise BRMS and jBPM.”
Polymita is a Barcelona, Spain-based start-up that created a comprehensive BPM platform and was positioned as a Visionary in latest BPMS Magic Quadrant.

We're very happy they joined the JBoss family and are looking forward to join forces behind a singular vision, bringing our BPM offering to the next level even faster now!

A FAQ section already provides some answers, but more details on the how and what will be shared as soon as possible.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

jBPM: What did I miss last 2 weeks?

I've been on vacation for a few weeks (was able to escape the Belgian weather and enjoy some France "joie de vivre"), and this time I decided to really leave work behind while on vacation.  That means I'll probably be catching up on email for about a week or so, but the rest of the team hasn't been slacking, so what did I miss?

  • Tihomir has been experimenting with voice-driven BPM in the Designer, where you can use voice commands to create your processes.  This is still our first, experimental attempt at including something like this during the modelling phase, but I definitely believe this will be useful for some of you (although I don't think everyone will all of a sudden start talking to their laptop ;)).  Click on the link above to see a screencast of it in action.
  • Mauricio has written a series of blog entries on how processes and rules (or rules and processes) integrate (part1, part2 and part3).  It starts with some examples on how processes and rules can be combined, and then goes into detail on how most BPM systems do it, and some of the more advanced features that are available in jBPM to do more advanced integration as well.
  • Maciej did a blog post about his presentation at JUDCon Boston this year on what he calls jBPM enterprise, which tries to improve the integration into Java EE environments.  It bundles jBPM and Drools into JBoss Modules and uses OSGi and maven archetypes to create a web application on top.
  • Mauricio describes the current state of the jBPM form builder in this blog post, where he explains how you can use the form builder without depending on guvnor and how you can integrate forms in your own web application.  Click on the link above to see the associated video.
  • Finally, Tihomir describes how task form editing can be done inline in the web designer, so while modelling your process, using a simple HTML template editor (with features like code completion and live preview) and customizable form widgets.  Also includes a screencast of it in action, including a process form for use on mobile.  Next is integration of the form builder as an option there too.

I should go on vacation more often it seems ;)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Microsoft Academic Search Service Task – contributed by Saiful Omar

Our jBPM contributor Saiful Omar who also contributed the Designer Locking and Unlocking feature keeps doing a great job  and has also contributed an implementation of a service node for the Microsoft Academic Search.
This service node is now available in the jBPM community service repository and can easily be installed and used in your own business processes using the jBPM Web and Eclipse tooling. Here is a description of the service node inputs and outputs as well as information on how to obtain the free MAS AppID which is required to use the Microsoft Academic Search.

 Thank you, and keep up the good work !  Check out Tiho's blog for more screenshots and details !

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The intelligent, integrated shipping company video

With jBPM now part of BRMS 5.3, they created a cool video about it.
This fun, easy-to-understand video illustrates how the combined business rules, business process and complex event processing capabilities of JBoss Enterprise BRMS can help shipping companies become intelligent, integrated enterprises.

It's a marketing video, don't expect anything technical ;)  I think it's fun to watch though !

Monday, July 16, 2012

jBPM Webinar today

In case you missed the emails, I'm doing a webinar presentation July 16th, 2012 on "jBPM 5: Build intelligent business processes".

Join this webinar to get the lowdown on jBPM 5 from Kris Verlaenen, Red Hat’s jBPM 5 project lead. While you’re at it, learn how to build intelligent business processes by leveraging the combined power of business rules, business events, and processes.

Popular jBPM 5, now part of JBoss Enterprise BRMS
jBPM 5—one of the most popular open source BPM/workflow solutions on the market — is being productized as part of JBoss® Enterprise BRMS, which injects intelligence into static business processes.
jBPM key functions and future direction
Adopted by many enterprises for its lightweight footprint, embeddable engine, and ease of use, jBPM takes these unique characteristics to the next level by adopting the popular BPMN 2 standard—the choice of standard for modeling and native execution. Check out this webinar to learn about jBPM 5’s key functions and future direction, including:
  • BPMN 2-based process modeling using rich web-based designer and Eclipse editor.
  • Human interaction based on the WS-HT standard.
  • Process monitoring and debugging.
  • Support plan through JBoss’ enterprise product.
Date: July 16, 2012
Time: 16:00 UTC / 12 noon (New York) / 6 p.m. (Paris) / 9:30 p.m. (Mumbai)
Length: 01:00
Language: English
Audience: Business and Technical

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

JBossWorld Keynote Demo

jBPM was a big part of the JBossWorld keynote demo this year!  The demo featured the JBoss Toy Store, a simple shopping cart application.  You could use your mobile device to order various products (from phones to shirts), and a jBPM process was used to handle and manage the orders, all running in the cloud (on OpenShift).

The full video of the keynote is available below (you can skip to 14min30 if you immediately want to skip to the demo itself, which in total takes about 20min), this blog will explain some of the details on how jBPM was used to achieve this.

Whenever a new order was placed (either through one of the mobile clients or the web-based client), a process described the life cycle of the order. The process itself is shown below.  The process itself is modelled using the BPMN 2.0 standard (both the visualization and the XML format used to store the process) and was defined in the web-based designer.

After some initialization, a Risk Assessment was done to decide whether the order was high or low risk.  This was modelled using a Business Rule Task, that in this case used a web-based decision table to make the decision.  In the demo, we simply look at the amount of the order, to decide whether it is high risk (larger than or equal to 500$) or not (less than 500$), but this could easily be extended with more complex logic.

All orders needed to go through a first Review (where a sales representative would manually check whether the order was valid and would accept or reject the order, for example to get rid of fake or unwanted orders etc.).  High-risk orders would undergo an additional Vice President Review (our VP really wanted to keep control of the company).  In the demo, the VP (played by Jay on stage) automatically rejected orders above 3000$ (just to make sure our participants needed to play smart to win ;)).  Both review tasks were modelled using a User Task and contained various details on who to assign the task to, the data associated with the task, etc.  After the review(s), the order was then either shipped (which we modelled using a domain-specific Service Task), or a rejection email was sent (using the out-of-the-box Email Service Task).

People in the audience were invited to participate in this experiment and put in orders.  A leaderboard was used to show the overall progress.  This showed the total amount of orders per person, and some dials and charts showing the order transaction rate, order backlog (orders still being processed), etc.  The data was collected by listening to and/or querying the jBPM engine and/or task service.

We used a process monitor to visualize where all the orders were waiting.  The number on top of each node shows how many orders are currently waiting there.  This view is actually the web-designer that we extended with this monitoring information (that was updated every few seconds from a REST service that would provide the necessary information).  We're working on getting this integrated in the project by default as soon as possible.
In the demo, we played out a scenario where a lot of the orders got stuck in the VP Review (as Jay wasn't able to approve all the incoming orders fast enough), generating a huge backlog.  It's kinda difficult to explain, so I suggest you just take a look at the demo to see how it played out ;)  By changing the business logic on the fly, we then allowed better throughput (and yes, we also used a bot to help Jay a little with approving all these orders more quickly, but everything was real, no cheating ;)).

Some technical details:
  • Everything (web-based designer + guvnor repository, jBPM engine, dashboards and process monitor) was running in the cloud (on OpenShift), on AS7. The laptops simply used a web browser to show the web-based apps running there.
  • The jBPM engine was embedded as part of the shopping cart application, and was invoked whenever a new order was retrieved, or when any of the review tasks were done.  One session was used to handle all requests.
  • The engine was configured to user persistence (using Hibernate4 / JPA2 and an H2 in memory database)
  • The changes done in the application and by the jBPM engine were combined in one user transaction.
  • The default task service (that comes with jBPM out-of-the-box) was used to manage the task lists and the life cycle of each tasks.  We used one local task service (running next to the engine) to make sure these changes were also done in the same transaction and avoid remote communication.
The source of the demo application is available here.  You can download and run the application on your own laptop, or even push it to OpenShift as well.

We really enjoyed creating and doing the demo, and we hope so will you!

Friday, June 29, 2012

jBPM support in BRMS 5.3

Last Monday, Red Hat announced the availability of JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3. BRMS 5.3 adds support for jBPM, so that means you can get official support from JBoss for your business processes now.  BRMS 5.3 has support for business processes (jBPM), business rules (Drools Expert) and complex event processing (Drools Fusion) in one integrated solution.

Over the last few months, we went through the productization process to strengthen and harden the community code, and we've been working with a set of early access customers to gather additional feedback.

With BRMS 5.3, you can buy multi-year support subscriptions and professional services, such as training and on-site consultancy.  This provides you with the stability and support often required in production.

If you're interested in reading more about the difference between community and product, Mark wrote a more detailed blog about it a while ago.

All details, like the supported features and platforms, product details, etc. are available on the JBoss Enterprise BRMS product page.

We're very happy (and proud) that jBPM5 now made it into the supported product.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thanks NY and DC, Boston here we come!

The New York and Washington workshops this week were completely sold out, and every seat was taken (some of the core team members even gave up their chair).

Thank you all for all the questions and feedback!

Next week we're all in Boston, for JUDCon and JBossWorld, looking forward to a lot more of this !

Thursday, June 7, 2012

jBPM workshop June 21st Washington DC

As promised, the invitation for the workshop in Washington DC on June 21st.

JBoss BRMS (Drools and jBPM) Workshop
Have you ever wondered how or why you could use a Business Rules Management System to respond to economic and regulatory changes more quickly? Are you concerned about the effects of embedding key operational functions deep within applications, which make them difficult to change? Do your coders slow down your ability to keep up with changes or requests from your organization's leaders and analysts?

If these issues affect you on a day to day basis as either a coder, architect, or department or agency leader, these presentations and hands-on labs will greatly expand your knowledge about when, where, and how to employ the rules to solve the above-mentioned problems. JBoss Business Rules Management System has many uses in government including eligibility, determination, resource planning, budgeting, and more.

Join us for this complimentary one-day event where we will cover:
  • The ecosystem that encompasses the Drools open source project and the JBoss BRMS
  • Benefits of rules systems, business workflows, and specific challenges to the government
  • The history of rules systems, where they are going, and how it can impact your agency
  • Various features of the BRMS via a hands-on demo
  • BPMN 2.0 and the future of Business Process Management
Be prepared to work hands-on with the tools, meet the team behind the engine, and have your questions answered. This event will give you unparalleled access to industry recognized leaders in the rules community.
To view a complete agenda, click here.

Jim Tyrrell, Principle JBoss Solution Architect, Red Hat
Mark Proctor, Drools Project Lead and Founder, Red Hat
Edson Tirelli, Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Kris Verlaenen, jBPM Lead Engineer, Red Hat
Prakash Aradhya, Senior Product Manager, Red Hat
*Attendees are responsible for bringing their own laptop to this event. Please make sure your laptop has the ability to copy files from a USB, which will provide the software for the hands-on sessions, and have JDK 1.6 already installed.

Register now as space is limited. We look forward to seeing you there!


Paul Barolet
Emergent, LLC
703-942-5911 (Direct)
800-292-1000 (Toll Free)


Caroline DarlandJBoss Government at
Carahsoft Technology Corp.                     
703-230-7409 (Direct)
877-RHAT-GOV (Toll-free)


jBPM workshop June 19th New York

Here's the official invitation for the NY Drools & jBPM workshop on June 19th.  This is a workshop, including both presentations and hands on exercices.  More news on the one in Washington DC later that week will follow shortly.

JBoss BRMS Workshop
You are invited to attend the JBoss Drools and jBPM workshop in New York City, on Tuesday, June 19th. The workshop will be led by Drools and jBPM Projects core development team including Mark Proctor its lead for 8+ years, Dr Kris Verlaenen, jBPM 5 project lead, Edison Tirelli the lead around Complex Event Processing, Prakash Aradhya, JBoss BRMS / BPM Product Manager and others. In this day long session we will explore Business Workflows, Complex Event Processing, Authoring rules, product road maps and much much more. Be prepared to work hands on with the technology and tools, meet the team behind the technology, and get your questions answered. This day long event will get you unparalleled access to industry recognized leaders in the business process and rules community.
Join us for a complimentary one-day event where we will cover:
  • The ecosystem that encompasses the Drools open source project and the JBoss BRMS
  • The history of rules systems, where they are going and the current state of the art
  • Various features of the BRMS via a hands on demo
  • BPMN 2.0 and the future of Business Process Management
To view a complete agenda, click here.
Jim Tyrrell, Principle JBoss Solution Architect, Red Hat
Mark Proctor, Drools Project Lead and Founder, Red Hat
Edson Tirelli, Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Kris Verlaenen, jBPM Lead Engineer, Red Hat
Prakash Aradhya, Senior Product Manager, Red Hat
*Attendees are responsible for bringing their own laptop to this event. Please make sure your laptop has the ability to copy files from a USB, which will provide the software for the hands-on sessions, and have JDK 1.6 already installed.

Register now as space is limited. We look forward to seeing you there!
The JBoss Team

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The new BPMN2 Eclipse plugin

Bob created some screencasts on how to install and use the new Eclipse plugin that we're developing at eclipse.org.
  • It supports almost all BPMN 2.0 process constructs and attributes (including lanes and pools, annotations and all the BPMN2 node types).
  • Support for the few custom attributes that jBPM5 introduces.
  • Allows you to configure which elements and attributes you want use when modeling processes (so we can limit the constructs for example to the subset currently supported by jBPM5, which is a profile we will support by default, or even more if you like).
The first screencast shows how to get the new plugin installed (you can also find some information in the documentation):

The second one shows how to use it to recreate a first version of our evaluation example (that is used in the installer):

Hope this helps you get started.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thank you jBPM contributors !

One of the advantages of open-source is the concept of contributions.  There are several benefits, where we create a win-win solution:
  • if you think some features is missing, you can add it yourself and contribute it back, so that other people can benefit as well
  • you don't have to maintain these additional code yourself, but once accepted, the project will evolve it as part of the code base
  • you benefit from further enhancements built on top of your contributions as well
And therefore, I'd like to thank two of our recent contributors.

Toshiya Kobayashi added support for internationalization to the jBPM Designer, and added a Japanese translation.  Having a localized version of the tooling is extremely important in some areas, and we are very happy to be able to deliver this now.  Should any of you see value in a translation in another language and would like to contribute, let us know.

Saiful Omar (@msaifulomar), a Lecturer of Institute Technology Brunei who is doing his PhD studies at Loughborough University, United Kingdom, is working on a novel Compliance and Adaptive Workflow System that will utilize jBPM.  As part of his system, which is using the jBPM Designer for process modelling, Saiful was in need to have the ability to lock parts of his process model in order to prevent their further editing.  He discussed that with us and we felt that it would be a great feature to add to the jBPM Designer. Here's a screenshot of it in action.

Should you have a great idea you'd like to work on, or just have an urge you can't suppress now as well to do a contribution yourself, but don't really know where to start, just let us know.  You can come chat with use at chat.freenode.net #jbpm

Thanks guys !

Friday, May 25, 2012

jBPM presentations and workshops (June 2012)

There will be several jBPM related presentations next month, so now is your chance to come and listen, meet the team and ask all your difficult questions ;)

  • First of all, I'll be doing a presentation on jBPM on JBossWorld, the large JBoss / Red Hat conference in Boston, June 26th - 29th, featuring talks about probably all JBoss projects.  So don't miss it, and feel free to jump in for my presentation.  There are tons of other interesting presentations as well, some of them might touch on jBPM as well, like for example how to combine processes and rules.
    We're also meeting with the jBPM and Drools team on the last day of the conference for a true codeathon, so bring your laptop and join us.
  • Before JBossWorld, there is going to be another JUDCon (June 25th - 26th) in Boston as well, targeted towards (and by) developers that really want to get to know the details of how everything works.  We have three jBPM presentations in the Rules, Workflow, SOA track on the second day (by Tihomir, Maciej and myself).
  • I can already share that we'll also have two jBPM and Drools workshops the week before that, one in New York and one in Washington, like last year.  Details will be shared soon, but these will give you a unique opportunity to get a day long training (presentations + workshop exercises) from the core team itself.
Hope to see you on one of those occasions.

Monday, May 21, 2012

jBPM 5.3 released !

jBPM 5.3 has just been released.  It includes a large amount of smaller improvements and fixes, and also contains a few new bigger features as well:
  • We would like to introduce our new Eclipse editor for defining business process in Eclipse (using the BPMN 2.0 standard).  This editor will offer support for the full BPMN2 specification, and currently offers support for at least the same constructs as the previous plugin.  We will continue to extend it over time with all the other constructs the jBPM core engine already supports, but we would like to hear your feedback as well !

  • A first version of the form builder has been released as well.  This form builder allows you to create and edit your forms (for tasks and processes) in a graphical way, using drag and drop.  It supports the usual components like labels, text fields and areas, buttons, etc. but already has support for various layouts, scripting, building your own components, etc.  [Note: this first version is currently only supported on FireFox but we're working on adding support for all other browsers as well]

  • The web designer received a lot of love as well, with new features like user-friendly property editors, color themes, a dictionary, inline form editing, etc.

  • The jbpm-human-task module has been split up in a jbpm-human-task-core module and sub-modules for the different transport protocols available (hornetq, mina, jms), and a separate war that can be deployed in the application server (and is made easily configurable now).  The installer now uses the war (with HornetQ) by default.
  • Integration between the jBPM console and Guvnor has been upgraded, to support new packages being added in Guvnor, removal of processes, etc.
  • The human task module now supports escalations and notifications.
  • Lots of persistence improvements to better support different databases, and we're using a new serialization technology (Protobuf) to better support upgrading / migration in the future.

You can download the release here (if you're not sure what you're looking for, downloading the full installer and then following the installer chapter to set up your environment and run through the tooling with a simple example is probably a good idea), or browse the documentation and javadocs.

jBPM 5.3.0.Final has been released in sync with the latest Drools 5.4.0.Final release.

We're still updating our docs and writing some blogs on the new features as we speak, so you can expect more updates from us soon!

If you have any questions / issues, let us know:
The jBPM team

Monday, April 16, 2012

JBoss Community Recognition Awards

This year, Mariano De Mayo has been nominated for the JBoss Community Recognition Awards, in the category New Features, for all the hard work he put into creating the new graphical form builder for jBPM:
Mariano De Maio - jBPM
Mariano De Maio has contributed a new graphical form builder component to the jBPM project. Mariano works for OSDE, the largest healthcare organization in Argentina, and they are using jBPM and Drools in this context and enabled Mariano to work on this full time for about a year. Task forms are necessary in the jBPM project whenever human actors participate in a business process and need to perform certain tasks and possibly fill in related results. Mariano developed a new web-based editor that allows non-technical users to define these task forms using a graphical editor where you can drag-and-drop building blocks (label, text fields, tables, dates, images, etc.) onto a task form. He added support for automatic form generation, input validation, triggers, loading form data from various sources, previews, and much more. This new component is now integrated with the other jBPM components, so business users can define these forms alongside their process definitions in Guvnor, and see these forms show up when performing their tasks at runtime in the jBPM console. The form builder is delivered as one of the mayor new features in the jBPM 5.3 release and we would like to thank Mariano for his significant contribution. To get an idea of the capabilities of the form builder, please take a look at some screencast of the form builder in action at http://vimeo.com/marianbuenosayres/videos

I'd like to ask everyone to help us so we can give him the credit he deserves and go to the JBoss Community Recognition Awards page, log in with your jboss.org community account and give him a vote :) Hurry, there's only a few more days left (until April 18, 5:00 p.m. ET)!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

jBPM Designer version 2.1 released

We are happy to announce that we have released version 2.1 of the jBPM Designer. This is a big release which solves many issues we had in 2.0 as well as adds lots of new features. We are especially happy that jBPM Designer will also be included in the up-coming JBoss BRMS 5.3 release.

Here is a summary of what’s new and noteworthy in Designer 2.1 and we have also included a video below. Try it out and let us know what you think!

New and noteworthy

  • Numerous bug fixes. The number of commits for bug-fixes alone was over 100 between 2.0 and 2.1.
  • Increased performance for user interactions with the UI as well as loading time (JavaScript is now served compressed)
  • New features: Support for Reusable Subprocesses (Call Activities), Multiple Instance Subprocesses, and Data Objects
  • New feature: Support for Stencil set Perspectives. Allows you to specify a specific superset or a subset of supported BPMN2 nodes grouped in a named stencil set
  • New feature: New data input editors. We added specific user-friendly editors for Process variables, Globals, Imports, Task Data Inputs/Outputs/Assignments, Called Elements, etc
  • New Feature: Process dictionary support. Allows you to define your own process dictionary and use it inside your business processes.
  • New Feature: In-Line editing of Process and User Task forms. This new feature allows you to create/modify your process and task forms in-line which is great as you do not have to leave your modelling environment to perform this feature.
  • New Feature: Code highlighting and Code completion in Expression editors, code highlighting for process and task form editors and source views.
  • New Feature: Smart node deletion – deleting a node will also delete its incoming and outgoing connections unless they specify an expression
  • Support for both Drools Guvnor 5.3 and 5.4

Here is also a video for the Designer 2.1 release.
Yes, Tiho went a little crazy on his video editing skills, we know ;)

You can download this version from soureforge just like the previous ones. Simply replace your existing designer war with the new one. Make sure to clear our your browser cache before starting to use the new version.

As always your feedback is more than welcome. Hit us up on IRC if you would like to contribute to the jBPM Designer. Have fun!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Google Summer of Code: Students apply now!

JBoss is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2012 program, which means that students can work on their favourite open-source project during the summer and get ultimate glory and a nice paycheck in return.
Google Summer of Code is a global program that gives university students a stipend to write code for open source projects over a three month period. Accepted students are paired with a mentor from the participating projects, gaining exposure to real-world software development and the opportunity for future employment in areas related to their academic pursuits. Best of all, more source code is created and released for the use and benefit of all.

JBoss has created a list of possible ideas you can take a look at, but you can always propose us your own ideas as well !

For jBPM, I've added two ideas to the list, but there is a Wiki page with over 10 possible proposals available here, including:
  • jBPM on android
  • Integrating jBPM with your own preferred project(s)
  • jBPM performance on steroids
  • Document management system
  • Mobile client(s) for jBPM
  • From BPEL to BPMN2
  • Social BPM using jBPM
  • Implement human tasks as a business process itself
  • Process mining for jBPM
  • jBPM and Drools for access control
  • jBPM and Drools for clinical decision support

The deadline for student applications is April 6th, 19:00 UTC, so if you're interested in participating this year, don't hesitate and be fast !

JAX 2012, April 16-20th, Germany

I'll be giving a presentation on the JAX conference this year in Germany. I'll be giving an overview of not just business processes, but also business rules and complex event processing, and how they all come together in the JBoss BRMS / BPMS product. So if you're already planning to go to that conference, make sure to add it to your time planner and I hope to see you there :)

Business Processes, Business Rules, Complex Event Processing with JBoss

Kris Verlaenen Red Hat

17.04.2012 | 11:45 - 12:45 Uhr

JBoss's Business Rules Management System, BRMS, integrates various community projects such as Drools and jBPM bringing together a unique combination of business processes, business rules and complex event processing, unavailable elsewhere in the industry. Delivered in a single open source distribution and accessible from a common set of authoring tools, with JBoss BRMS customers can combine business processes, business rules and event processing in support of a broad range of decision management and process driven applications. This session explores the use cases for the BRMS, the benefits for the customer, and we will walk through many of the new features now available to enterprise developers. The discussion will center around the many powerful solutions that can be built leveraging rules, complex events, business process automation and the combination of the three. A special focus will be on the new BPM features that are coming with the integration of jBPM5 / BPMN2.0 into version 5.3 of BRMS.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Maciej, welcome to the jBPM team

I'd like you all to welcome Maciej Swiderski to the jBPM team. Maciej lives in Poland and joins us from IBM research, where he was working on the Tivoli software. He started contributing to the jBPM project several years ago, and recently realized that BPM is actually his passion. We welcome him with open arms, and his experience with different BPM systems will definitely be useful in the future.

Welcome Maciej !